Monday, September 11, 2023

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week 11 to September 17, 2023, Bible Course, Lesson 12, Introduction and points 1-3, Lesson 15, Prepared Assignment.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY:  September 11-17, 2023, Bible Course, lesson 12, Introduction and points 1-3, Lesson 15, Prepared Assignment.

Bible course (5 mins.): lff lesson 12 introduction and points 1-3 (th lesson 15).

Publisher: Now let's start with this week's study, the topic is this: What will help you continue studying The Bible? As you may notice, it is not always easy for people to maintain the study of the Bible, but that is why we need reasons to continue persevering, and that is what this lesson is going to help us with, you can read what the first paragraph says. . 

Student: Sure, it says like this……..

Publisher: Taking into account what we read, in the paragraph the question is: Why is it worth studying the Bible? 

Student: According to what you say, it will help us to have knowledge and it will help us make important decisions. 

Publisher: Very well, you have mentioned two things that we can benefit from the Bible: knowledge and decision making. It also helps us to know about the author, and according to what we read from Who do we learn this knowledge?

Student: We learned about the personality of Jehovah. 

Publisher: Very well, then as we see, the benefits of knowing the Bible are three: Knowing the mind of Jehovah, learning to make wise decisions and having knowledge of what is going to happen in the future. What do you think of those good reasons? 

Student: Of course, there are things that perhaps if we do not study the Bible, we cannot acquire them in any other way.

Publisher: We say very well. Now we go to the next paragraph... In paragraph number 2 the question is: Why is it important to know the value of biblical truths? and I would like you to read what Proverbs chapter 24 verse 5 says. 

Student: Yes, it says the following……….

Publisher: If you can figure it out, how do these truths compare to the Bible?

Student: Well, they compare like silver and treasures.

Publisher: Very good and this is a very accurate comparison, because the advice of the Bible can save our lives. For example: How much would your life be worth?

Student: My life would be priceless.

Publisher: In the same way, the advice that the Bible gives is much better than monetary treasures, but very few recognize that, but as the question said, if we know that they are valuable, what will we be willing to do? 

Student: I guess we should try hard to find them. 

Publisher: Now let's read point number 3 and we are going to answer the question what Jehovah will do to continue studying the Bible. What do you think, if you read what point number three says?

Student: Okay, it says like this….

Publisher: Thank you for your reading. According to the paragraph read, what will Jehovah do for you to continue studying the Bible? 

Student: Well, it says that God is going to give us the desire and the strength to study the Bible. 

Publisher: Yes, it is just as the text of Philippians says, chapter 2, verse 13. Would you like to read it? 

Student: The text says……….

Publisher: So, what do you think we have to do, when sometimes we feel tired and have no desire to read the Bible? 

Student: Well, it says that we should ask Jehovah.

Publisher: Very good, and how do you think we can ask Jehovah?

Student: We do it through prayer, because if we pray to him, he will help us to have both the desire and the motivation or the necessary strength to do it. 

Publisher: Very well, up to this point we have already studied the main topic, now we are going to go a little deeper into the ideas we have analyzed.

Student: Okay.

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